fluid flow modelling
Leakage is the result of the natural or induced migration of hydrocarbons (e.g., oil, methane or CO2) and water across porous media. The fluid and the solid phases interact to each other. This can produce a diverse set of evidence that may appear similar on seismic data, but potentially generated by contrasting leakage processes. We run fluid flow simulations to assess the mechanism of leakage, and to find out whether a specific set of processes can fit with the evolution of your basin. Our modelling startegy is built within a Monte-Carlo framework that help us to play with the uncertainties.
2D-3D-4D seismic interpretation
Seismic interpretation is a fundamental step to identify evidence of leakage in your basin and across your topseal. Our workflow consists of detailed and advanced interpretation stages. The design of our workflows changes case by case and may include the development of new methods to assess your topseal. Automated workflows are also available in those cases where a quick screening of your study area is necessary.
We process or re-process seismic data, if it is required by the Client, prior to the interpretation of seismic data. Seismic processing, or re-processing, can help to highlight the presence of specific leakage phenomena which could have been deleted during conventional processing sequences. The re-processing of seismic data might be required to better define the velocity field within leakage phenomena and can be used for further steps of seismic processing.
Our topseal analysis workflow is unique. The unprecedented information deriving from a correct analysis of leakage phenomena allows us to better constrain the mechanism of topseal failure. Once the mechanism of leakage is defined, it can be used for oil & gas production, waterflooding, during abandonment, and for injection of waste fluids (e.g., CO2).
Professional Courses
We provide professional courses for entry-level and experienced geologists & geophysicists. Our courses are designed to develop new skills for the interpretation and understanding of leakage processes, diagenetic and phase boundaries, and other fluid-solid interactions. Our training method is based on lectures and practical exercises on hardcopy seismic sections and maps.