


Submitted / in review

  • Foschi, M. et al., Assessment of past and future top-seal leakage via natural hydrothermal conduits at the depleted gas field and planned carbon dioxide storage site KB15-FB (Shell Offshore Carbon Storage project, the Netherlands). (International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, submitted)

  • Jenkins, L.T., Foschi, M., MacMinn, C.W., Gas injection and leakage in layered aquifers, (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in review)

Accepted / in press



  • Hajana, I.M., Foschi, M., Cartwright, J.A., 2013. Atlas of Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators. CapRock Group

  • Bertoni, C., Cartwright, J.A., Foschi, M., Kirkham, C., Manton, B., Van Rensbergen, P., 2018. A Seismic Atlas of Vertical Hydrocarbon Migration. Shell