Seismar Ltd was incorporated in 2017 in Oxford, UK. In the last 7 years Seismar has been involved directly and indirectly with small and leading players in the energy sector. Our portfolio of experience spans from small onshore targets to multi-billion dollar assets spread in different basins worldwide.
Martino Foschi
Martino Foschi holds a BSc in Geology and an MSc in Exploration Geophysics from the University of Pisa (Italy), and a Ph.D. in Petroleum Geology from Cardiff University (UK). He worked as Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) and as Shell Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. He has worked as a contractor since 2015 and as a full time contractor since 2022. He is a specialist on fluid flow related problems, including leakage from caprock before and during production, and during injection of fluids in reservoirs and storage sites (CCS).
Joe Cartwright
Joe Cartwright is Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford (since 2012), having previously held academic positions at Imperial College, London and Cardiff. He graduated with a BA and D Phil in Geology from the University of Oxford in 1988. He worked for Shell International as an exploration geophysicist from 1980-1984. His current interests embrace characterisation of seal integrity for petroleum and CCS, mechanisms of hydrocarbon leakage/migration and fracture development in shales.